
We have collected relevant information and useful tips regarding choosing, using and maintaining a forklift truck. We aim to add new articles on a regular basis so if there is something you would like to read about, please let us know!

Renting and selling machinery in Finland - Comprehensive solutions from Uudenmaan Konepalvelu

By renting machinery, it is possible to avoid large upfront capital investments and manage costs more efficiently.
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Used equipment and equipment - An economical and ecological choice

Buying second-hand machines is a great way to save money.
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The economic and practical advantages of a rental machine

The use of rental machines on site offers a wide range of benefits, from financial savings to practicality and flexibility. Ask us more!
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Pre-operating checklist

To ensure safety and to prevent any major damage, the forklift should always be inspected before the start of a shift.
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Watering a forklift battery

Forklift batteries require regular watering to ensure optimal functioning. Regular watering maintains the battery's ability to function and extends its lifespan. Watering also prevents corrosion of metal plates between battery cells.
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Charging the forklift battery

The electric forklift battery is one of its most expensive parts, so it makes sense to take care of it as much as possible. By using your forklift battery correctly, you ensure the efficient operation of the battery and a long service life. This guide applies to most modern forklift batteries.
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Forklift guide

Which forklift type is best for you? What should you consider when choosing a forklift? This article sheds a light on the differences and basic characteristics of different types of forklifts.
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Forklift glossary

As is the case in many industries, there is some special terminology concerning forklifts that you may not be familiar with. This article will shed some light on the features listed on forklift specification sheets.
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